Nurturing Young Minds:
Mentor2Youth is investing in the future of Washtenaw County through our Raising Royalty program. We are so proud of these young people but realize there is so much more work to do.

Greenwood District Project
Mentor2Youth (M2Y) is launching the Greenwood District Project. Our purpose is to cultivate purpose through service: The whole child, the whole community; lifelong learners.

Kallista Walker Inspires a Community to Grow and Read Together
Great article on a friend of the program, Kallista Marie Walker.

Ann Arbor Family Press - Ypsi Nonprofit Bridges Opportunity Gap
“We work holistically with youth and their families, to bridge the resource and achievement gap for Washtenaw County students—with a Ypsilanti first emphasis—and keep them on a path of success,”

Washtenaw United: Building community and a new Black History at Ypsilanti-based Mentor2Youth
David Fair: This is 89 one WEMU, and we continue our run of Black History Month editions of Washtenaw United. Throughout the month of February, we've been highlighting issues in people that not only don't understand Black history but are writing new chapters right here in our community. Today, we have another such guest. Darryl Johnson is executive director of Mentor2Youth. The Ypsilanti based organization is designed to bridge the opportunity gap in our community through youth empowerment, family involvement, and community collaboration. Its mission is to cultivate purpose through service and, as Minister Johnson is known to say in his I'm Third Ministries, "We're putting the neighbor back in the hood." Thank you for joining us today. It's good to have you back on WEMU.

There are superheroes all around, most just need a phone booth to put on their cape, and like the Superman of old, it is up, up, and away. Here at Mentor2Youth, we like to think we are in the phone booth business.

Local job market booms after two-year dip
Johnson’s “Raising Royalty” model uses the game of chess to instill principles with each piece representing different values and character assets. For example, the king represents mission and purpose; the queen represents love and values; the bishop, stewardship; and the rook and pawns community and discipline.

Honors night 2021
You’ve seen the Grammys, now come see who wins the Mentees!
Mentor2Youth is turning 10 years old! Join us as we celebrate our Honors Night with a Live Broadcast in an evening filled with fun, music, and most of all honoring the community leaders, thinkers, and doers of Washtenaw County. 100% of event proceeds will go to support important Mentor2Youth programs which continue to have a big impact in our community!

Cards of Kindness - 4th Annual Senior Thanksgiving Fundraiser
Cards of Kindness - 4th Annual Senior Thanksgiving Fundraiser
How to Help People, Pets and Causes in Your Community
We all want to improve the lives of others in our communities. Yet, knowing where to start can be a challenge if you have never donated or volunteered. The most important thing to keep in mind is that every little bit of help will make a difference for those in need and the non-profits that seek to help them.

Learning and Growing in Community Leadership: Professional Development Resources for Leaders
If there’s one trait all leaders have in common, it’s a love for learning. Whether it’s digging into problems facing the community, exploring leadership and coaching strategies, or developing their own leadership skills, the best leaders are always seeking knowledge and personal growth.