MLK Weekend

"Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education."

Wow, what an eventful Martin Luther King Day Weekend for Mentor2Youth and our Raising Royalty programming. On Saturday our Young Kings/Young Men of Purpose attended our collaboration with Washtenaw My Brothers Keeper for the monthly Breakfast. As usual, the relationship formation was incredible and the men of our Community provided great support and empowerment. Our young kings participated in a Great Debate facilitated by the Umoja Debate Team. 

There were two debates offered, “Should there be an age limit for kids to play football”  and “Should kids be on Tik Tok”. The young men were divided into groups and had to take opposing sides on these topics.

Our Young Kings received a very positive experience as they articulated their

thoughts in a debate format. This was extra remarkable considering they were working together with new people. Our Young King Tiedeiron Young from Ypsilanti Community Middle School won the debate on “Should kids be on Tik Tok” with a rousing negative defense articulating the cons of Tik Tok for young folks.  A very proud moment for Mentor2Youth. This event seemed to showcase all of our outcomes, Support, Empowerment, Boundaries & Expectations, Constructive Use of Time, Commitment to Learning, Positive Values, Social Competencies, and Positive Identity. Way to go, Young Men of Purpose!

The Constructive Use of Time continued after the WMBK Breakfast.  Ms. Taylor- Allen, a Ypsilanti Middle School teacher, gave a few of Young Kings tickets to Skyzone

for accumulating points for their good behavior and academic performance. Mentor2Youth

extended the invitation and provided transportation and funding for several other Young Kings. What a jumping good time was had by all.  

Our weekend programming continues with our Sunday Fresh Start program and Royal fitness program.  Our kids voluntarily attend religious activities as a source of constructive use of time and relationship building. They are also provided lunch and gym time at our Chapelle Business office.  As always, transportation is on us.  

Our Martin Luther King Day weekend ended with a BANG! We would like to thank former Board member Julia Heck from Eastern Michigan University for making it possible for 20 Young Kings and Queens to attend The MLK Luncheon. A 3-course meal, banquet style was served at the luncheon, exposing our Young Kings and Young Queens to the etiquettes of fine dining. Dr. Davis, one of the doctors from the book ‘The Pact’ was the keynote speaker! It was such an amazing follow-up experience after seeing the play based on the book ‘Beat the Streets’ back in

December. Dr. Davis spoke about how imperative it is for black children to see representation in

various careers. As grace would have it, not only did our Young Kings and Queens get the opportunity to meet and hear Dr. Davis’ encouraging words and experience his representation firsthand, we ran into some trusted supporters and friends of Mentor2Youth.  State Senators Jeff Irwin, Sue Shink, and Jimmie Wilson were all on hand to help celebrate the legacy and continued commitment to Dr. King’s vision.  We will never forget the financial support Senator Irvin poured into our Social Emotional Learning platform.

”It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.” Frederick Douglass

We want to thank all of our supporters as we endeavor to raise strong children in the Ypsilanti/Washtenaw County region.  We cannot do this alone, every one of your contributions, volunteer hours, pep talks, and supportive conversations has helped us make a difference in the lives of these young people.  Remember, you don’t give to us…You give through us!

"Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle." Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

This is Mentor2Youth, signing off with Youth Empowerment, Family Involvement, and Community Collaboration.


Nurturing Young Minds:


Greenwood District Recap