Academic Programming



Mentor2Youth offers academic programs for school age youth focused on reading, math and writing. Our reading program, Reading A-Z is a hands-on and online program  focused on building reading comprehension for youth grades K-5th. Programming is catered to the reading level of each individual student based on our intervention plan. Our math program iReady Math offers online courses and direct instruction materials to support math comprehension for youth grades K-8th. We provide tutors to support small group instruction and teaching catered toward students’ comprehension level and learning style(s). Parents have online access to also work with their child(ren) using Reading A-Z and iReady Math. Through our Essay Contest, students go through an intensive writing series of workshops to improve their grammar skills.  Students will participate in core academic skill building activities focused on improving critical thinking, analytical and reasoning skills, study and practice habits, and organization and time management. Through workshops and instruction inclusive of diversity, different learning styles and a positive culture, students will be placed in an environment that empowers and motivates them to improve personally and academically.

Core Objectives

-          Students participate in at least 100 hours of reading, math and writing instruction

-          Students will participate in 20 hours of core academic skills workshops


-          At least 85% of students served will improve in reading and math skill by 1-2 grade levels.

-          Parents will increase participation in child’s schooling

Measurement Tools

Reading A-Z conducts a reading benchmark assessment to determine the reading level of the child and informing next steps on books and instruction to provide. Math comprehension will be assessed through the iReady diagnostic tool, an adaptive assessment which monitors progress and provides online individualized instruction in content areas the student is struggling in. Progress will be tracked monthly with quarterly assessments conducted to evaluate academic gains and overall comprehension. Staff will also access school data (i.e. grades, attendance records) and obtain information from parents and teachers on academic performance.

Program Offerings

-          Reading A-Z

-          Writing A-Z

-          Science A-Z

-          iReady Math

-          Essay Contest