“Those of us who are committed to the cause of justice need to pace ourselves because the struggle does not last for one day one week, or one year, but it is the struggle of a lifetime,

and each generation must do its part.”

John Lewis

Our issues…

“You see, our issue is that somewhere, right now the future is being colonized by a people who have the resources, who do spend time thinking about it, planning for it, and trying to shape it in their direction.

It is easy to talk about the long-range when you are not struggling for survival. I recognize that people who have their backs against the wall must think about the immediate. But I also recognize that the failure to devote some attention to the long-range presses your back against the wall even more. Such failure means that decisions made are frequently counterproductive and chosen strategies frequently lead to disaster.

As hard as it is, I think some attention to the long-range future is absolutely critical for any organization or any group in society trying to fight for a better place in that future.”

-Alvin Toffler

Project Citizen

  • Social Capital

    Social capital refers to those stocks of social trust, norms and networks that people can draw upon to solve common problems. Networks of civic engagement, such as neighborhood associations, sports clubs, and cooperatives, are an essential form of social capital, and the denser these networks, the more likely that members of a community will cooperate for mutual benefit.

  • Consensus Organizing

    Consensus organizing draws upon people's creativity and initiative to fashion innovative solutions to community problems. As developed by the Consensus Organizing Institute, the model stresses comprehensive strategies for bringing people together and providing them with the tools necessary to achieve tangible reforms. Central to the approach is the use of relationships—including relationships that defy stereotypes—as vitally important vehicles for advancing community agendas.

  • Citizen Politics

    Citizen politics draws much from the civil rights movement and its understanding of citizenship. From the citizen politics perspective, citizenship means full participation in the governance of institutions, communities, and the country. Citizens are public actors who not only have rights, but also the responsibility and opportunity to contribute to, and create, public life.

  • Power2Voices

    Civil Society

    Network Civil society refers to that sphere of voluntary associations and informal networks in which individuals and groups engage in activities of public consequence. It is distinguished from the public activities of government because it is voluntary, and from the private activities of markets because it seeks common ground and public goods. It is often described as the "third sector." For democratic societies, it provides an essential link between citizens and the state.