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Designed with our Future Leaders members in mind, this K-5 vocabulary program ensures our future leaders will achieve their appropriate reading levels.



It is all virtual and done over our network using either google classroom or Zoom.


Vocabulary A-Z is a digital solution for helping K-5 students build vocabulary and increase reading comprehension. With Vocabulary A-Z, teachers can differentiate vocabulary instruction and practice with premade and customizable word lists, printable and digital lessons, and online game-based activities and quizzes that students love!



It is important for children to develop strong vocabulary skills in order to express themselves clearly and meaningfully both in written and spoken formats. It is not only imperative for education, language arts, and reading, but it is also to present themselves in public as an educated individual. Developing a wide set of vocabulary and vocabulary skills begins early in a child’s life and continues through their education at school. Elementary school is a large part of the development of a child’s vocabulary. It is important to help your child at home to expand their vocabulary and provide meaningful activities at home for vocabulary development.


Keeping all of our programming virtual. We establish a minimum of two check-in points throughout the week. We really work hard to make these times work for families and volunteers.



This "million-word gap" could be one key in explaining differences in vocabulary and reading development, said Jessica Logan, lead author of the study and assistant professor of educational studies at The Ohio State University.

Even kids who are read only one book a day will hear about 290,000 more words by age 5 than those who don't regularly read books with a parent or caregiver.


Ready 2 Calculate